- isopag
- линия на карте, соединяющая точки с равной продолжительностью ледяного покрова
English-Russian cartography dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian cartography dictionary. 2013.
isopag — a map line connecting all points having same number of days per annum during which ice is present … Dictionary of ichthyology
isopag — /uy seuh pag /, n. a line drawn on a map connecting all points where ice exists at approximately the same period during winter. [ISO + pag < Gk págos frost] * * * … Universalium
isopag — iso·pag … English syllables
isopag — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ at iso +ˌpag noun ( s) Etymology: is + pag (from Greek pagos frost; akin to Greek pēgnynai to fasten) more at pact : an equiglacial line on a map or chart that connects the points where ice is present for approximately the same number… … Useful english dictionary
equiglacial line — as at equiangular+... noun Etymology: equi + glacial : a line on a map or chart to show coincidence of ice conditions (as in lakes, rivers, or harbors) at a given time see isopag, isopectic, isotac … Useful english dictionary